Project designed by Ecobay landscape and design.

Town Creek Drive

Client Request

To decrease backyard lawn space by half and create a sustainable low-maintenance landscape that support local wildlife. Additionally, create a space to allow for entertaining guest.

Project Challenges

Creating a design that invites both wildlife and people to the space without producing an overcrowding feel.

Our Solution

We utilized existing features to create harmony and naturalized spaces on the property. We blended a forest, shrubland/woodland, and grassland archetype together to create a cohesive and functional landscape. The forest archetype aids in providing privacy to the property. We then blend this out into a grassland community to provide a sense of calming openness - giving the illusion the property is much bigger than it really is. In addition to a designed landscape, the backyard includes a patio for entertaining, allows open access to the back gate, and has an interactive walking path through the designed landscape.The front yard plays off of the backyard but is more structural to provide order. It is designed to invite guests to the front door and hints as to what you can expect to see around back.

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